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STEM Campers Enjoying Kona Ice Treats

stem academy

we're thrilled to have you as part of the cits stem camp family!

We're excited you've chosen our camp to be apart of your child's summer adventure. This handy webpage will serve as your go-to guide for everything you need to know about our policies, required forms, and the week at camp overview.

Onboarding For Camp Is A Simple 3 Step Process...

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STEP 1: REVIEW CAMP POLICIES. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of your child. We have policies in place to ensure that your child has a fun and safe experience at our camp. Please take the time to review our policies and feel free to contact us with any questions concerns.


STEP 2: FILL OUT REQUIRED FORMS. In accordance with Maryland state regulations the following camper forms are required; Camper Health, Info & Policy Agreement Form and Medication Authorization Form (s) if deemed necessary per the first form. Camper participation is contingent upon the receipt of such referenced forms.

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STEP 3: REVIEW OVERVIEW OF THE WEEK. We have an amazing week planned that is filled with fun activities! The overview will inform you of our daily schedule, food menu, and what the activity category will be for each day.

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1. camp policies

  • CJIS Criminal Background Check
    Print And Complete The LiveScan Document. Take It To An Approved Service Provider To Have Your Fingerprinting Done. Approved Service Providers Can Be Found Here: CITS Will Cover The Fingerprinting Expense So Please Notify Us Before Going To The Approved Service Provider.
  • Child Protective Services (CPS) Background Check
    Directions for the CPS Background Clearance...
  • 365 Transfer Request Form
    If your would like to request a transfer of your previous background check to CITS please use the form below:
  • For Your Knowledge: Agency Privacy Requirement For FBI Background Checks
    Please read the following document that discusses your rights regarding FBI background checks:
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2. required forms

Required For All

Only If Required Per Form 1

Only If Required Per Form 1

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3. overview of the week

Kids STEM  Camp Visual Overview Of The Week

If you have any questions prior to the start of camp please email or call our
camp coordinator, Ashley Harris, at 443-477-7756.

We look forward to seeing you and your camper in July!

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